Art Implementation Objective
Within a production pipeline: adapt, export, integrate, and optimize game art and animation assets (including shaders and lighting) into 2D and 3D game projects within the confines of a project's game engines, tools, and other constraints.
Ice Cavern Within Unreal Engine
This Ice Cavern was a project made to practice lighting and textures. I modeled the torches to give light within the cave as it was going to be an area with live people living within it. Currently, it is a work in progress.
UI Setup in Unity For a TBA Project
Here I set up a look at a TBA project. The theme that I was told to make was to go off of Art Deco. So I created the UI elements with the Art Deco Style to it.

TableTop Simulator Curse of the Pirate Kings

This was a game jam game of a card game. I made the background and set up the design to the cards within the game. I also helped with stylizing the art on the card